HERC’s Research Department is collecting data for its latest project, which aims to examine factors associated with successes in the fitness industry, including traits and characteristics related to personal trainers. Results from this study will provide a more comprehensive understanding of how some characteristics may be linked to personal trainers’ success.
Only personal trainers/coaches/instructors working within the UAE are eligible to participate in this project. We welcome both freelance and company-employed trainers and registered and non-registered exercise professionals to join us in this project.
By participating in this research project, we are improving the Fitness Industry and making UAE Personal Trainers more successful, and we couldn’t do it without you.
As a show of our appreciation for taking part in our research project, we will be gifting you the following:
- Upon completing the survey, you will receive a certificate of participation in the research project from HERC.
- We will reward you with a complimentary webinar/lecture for the duration of one hour that will be delivered upon publication of our findings/ research paper. In addition, we will provide both live and prerecorded lectures to fit everyone’s needs.
- Personal trainers/ coaches/ instructors registered in the UAE Reps will be rewarded with a complimentary 1 CPD point.
Your attendance of a webinar/lecture will cover the research results relevant to the UAE Personal training market and the latest update on how to become a successful personal trainer.
We are looking forward to approximately 1000 subjects participating in this project.
Your participation will involve completing a 15-minute computer-based survey.
The survey is structured into four sections: demographics, two standardized psychological questionnaires, and open-ended questions chapter.
Every effort will be taken to protect your identity and keep your answers completely confidential. Your participation in this project will be anonymous to the general public but not to the researchers who will need to identify you for compensation purposes. All of your data will be kept confidential.
This project is led by the Head of our Research Department, Ivana Banicevic. Zeljko Banicevic is in charge of distribution and collection and Dragan Stankic of data analysis. For this particular project, HERC’s Research Department collaborates with Laian Z. Najjar, Ph.D. in Developmental, Cognitive, and Behavioral Neuroscience from the University of Houston. Currently, her research focuses on physical activity and alcohol use, what motivates and moderates drinking and exercise, and the brain on exercise. She resides in the UK and works as a Lecturer in Psychology at the University of East London. In addition, she continues to research the health benefits of exercise.

Ph.D. in Developmental, Cognitive, and Behavioral Neuroscience
Laian has a diverse educational background in multiple subfields of Psychology and Neuroscience. She published numerous scientific papers in International Scientific Journals such as Psychology of Addictive Behaviors by the American Psychological Association and Mental Health Religion & Culture by Taylor & Francis (Routledge), posters and presentations within scientific meetings and conferences, and a book chapter ”Exercise-driven restoration of the alcohol-damaged brain” in ”Exercise on Brain Health” within the International Review of Neurobiology published by Elsevier.
She is also very physically active and has always practiced dance, pilates, and strength training.
Fun fact about Laian: she was part of a contemporary dance group that won the 2nd season of Arabs Got Talent in 2013.
To participate in this research project please send an email to Ivana Banicevic at research@herctime.com with the subject ”PT Research Project Participation”, so we can provide you with the ID number needed for participation (and compensation) and the link to the survey. We are looking forward!