Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2024
ACSM 1, Ivana Banićević 2, 3, Željko Banićević 2, 3
1 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Indiana, USA.
2 HERC – Health, Exercise & Research Center, Dubai, UAE.
3 Faculty of Sport & Psychology, Educons University, Novi Sad, Serbia.
The Project
For the last 17 years, the editors of this Journal (HFJ) have developed and circulated an electronic survey sent to thousands of professionals around the world to predict trends in the health and fitness industry for the following year. This survey guides health and fitness programming efforts for 2024 and beyond. The first survey, conducted in 2006 (for predictions in 2007), introduced a systematic way to forecast trends. These surveys have been conducted annually since that time using the same methodology. These annual ACSM Worldwide Surveys of Fitness Trends are used extensively in the commercial (usually for-profit companies), clinical (including medical fitness centers), community (typically not for profits), and corporate divisions of the health and fitness industry.
The UAE Health & Fitness trends survey was created through the collaboration of several HERC team members, including Ivana Banićević, Željko Banićević, and Dragan Stankić, along with the ACSM Work Group and Editorial Team as well as International representative. To ensure the success of the inaugural year, HERC will collaborate with local universities, sports organizations, clubs, fitness centers, health facilities, and government entities to gather a substantial number of survey responses.