Mens Sana in Corpore Sano – From Its Origins up to now
Željko Banićević 1 2, Ivana Banićević 1 2
1 HERC – Health, Exercise & Research Center, Dubai, UAE.
2 Faculty of Sport & Psychology, Educons University, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Published (3rd International Scientific Conference ‘‘Exercise and Quality of Life (EQOL) 2013’’, Novi Sad, Serbia)
The Project
Considering the increasingly frequent use of the maxim “Mens sana in corpore sano” in the areas of sport and recreation, it is important to understand its essential meaning. The aim of this study is to explain different interpretations of this maxim from its very beginning through various historical periods until today. Also, another important idea was to find out the actual meaning of the maxim through the context of the modern world and its development trend. For this purpose 276 students of the 2nd (n=88), 3rd (n=102) and 4th year (n=86) of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, were surveyed. The research showed the following results: 99.97 % (n=275) heard of the above-mentioned maxim and only 0.03 % (n=1) did not; 99.97% (n=275) did not know who was the creator of the maxim and only 0.03 % (n=1) did. As for the interpretation of the maxim, opinions were divided, including 5.5% of students who represented a different opinion, which indicates that this saying is not clarified enough.
The full research can be read by clicking HERE.