Effects of corrective treatment on foot posture of younger school-age children
Željko Banićević 1 2, Ivana Banićević 1 2
1 HERC – Health, Exercise & Research Center, Dubai, UAE.
2 Faculty of Sport & Psychology, Educons University, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Manuscript rewrite
The Project
The foot is the phylogenetically youngest part of the locomotor apparatus, which has not yet adapted to the newly emerged life conditions, resulting in various degrees of postural disorders and physical deformities. Elegant and coordinated walking is a privilege of healthy feet. According to some statistics, 98% of the population is born with healthy feet, while over 80% of children experience foot problems in later life (Tutorov, 2013).
The problem of the research is determining the effects of corrective work in correcting foot deformities in children of younger school age. The subject of the study is the field of kinesiotherapy related to the postural status of the feet in children of younger school age. The aim of the research is to determine the postural status of the feet and to implement corrective treatment to improve the postural status of the feet in children of younger school age, as well as to determine differences in relation to gender dimorphism and initial and final measurements. Methods used were experimental, exploratory, and descriptive research with longitudinal time determination. The study was conducted on a sample of 153 students, both male and female, ranging in age from 8 to 10 years, in four primary schools. The obtained data belong to nonparametric measurements and are assessed by evaluating the state of the postural status of the feet. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, as a nonparametric procedure, was used for data processing and determining the differences between the initial and final measurements, while the Chi-square test was used to determine differences in relation to gender dimorphism. By identifying the positive effects of the conducted corrective treatment, this study is highly beneficial for practical application in the field of kinesiotherapy, as it provides a new set of exercises for correcting foot postural disorders. In theoretical terms, the study can serve as a foundational basis for future researchers.