Differences in postural status of younger school children in comparison to sexual diphormism
Dragan Stankić 1 2, Željko Banićević 1 2, Ivana Banićević 1 2
1 HERC – Health, Exercise & Research Center, Dubai, UAE.
2 Faculty of Sport & Psychology, Educons University, Novi Sad, Serbia.
The Project
Understanding and addressing postural issues in this age group is of utmost importance due to its potential impact on the physical development and overall well-being of children. Concerns have been raised about poor posture due to a sedentary lifestyle, electronic device use, heavy school bags, and inadequate ergonomics. Poor posture can cause physical and psychological issues. The findings can inform educators, parents, healthcare professionals, and policymakers to optimize postural health in children and develop targeted interventions for improved well-being.
The goal of the study is to examine the posture of younger children in school and detect any disparities between males and females. Data was gathered from a group of 72 students attending two primary schools. The study involved 37 boys and 35 girls, aged 7 to 9 (average age = 8.2). The Napoleon Volansky method (modified) was used to assess the posture of specific body segments. The findings of this research will contribute to our understanding of posture-related concerns in younger school-age children and provide valuable insights for developing targeted preventive and corrective measures to enhance the health and quality of life of this vulnerable population.