2024 Fitness Trends from Around the Globe
ACSM 1, Ivana Banićević 2, 3, Željko Banićević 2, 3
1 American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Indiana, USA.
2 HERC – Health, Exercise & Research Center, Dubai, UAE.
3 Faculty of Sport & Psychology, Educons University, Novi Sad, Serbia.
The Project
ACSM’s Global Survey of Fitness Trends unites an alliance of exceptional leaders in the health and fitness field from various regions to establish a vibrant global team. Through this worldwide cooperation, numerous health and fitness experts aid our team in discerning the annual exercise trends from a global standpoint, revealing the similarities and variations that exist worldwide. ACSM’s global collaboration surpasses the mere identification of regional fitness trends each year, it serves as an authentic testament to individuals worldwide joining forces to recognize and celebrate the distinctive attributes that embody their culture. ACSM’s Global Survey of Fitness Trends assembles a collective of remarkable leaders in the health and fitness domain from manz regions to form a dynamic global team. For each country, the results of the fitness trends survey help fitness business operators, directors, owners, universities, professors, digital influencers, health professionals (e.g., physical education professionals, physiotherapists, dieticians, physicians), manufacturers of fitness and wellness equipment and products, and industry stakeholders enhance customer engagement by offering safe and positive experiences. The annual ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® worldwide survey to determine industry trends by health and fitness professionals is now in its 18th consecutive year, and for the first time ever, UAE will participate!